Guinea Fowl Outgrowing - Burkina Faso

Topic: Guinea fowls outgrowing
Client: Pintades du Faso
Synopsis: Pindates du Faso is the first medium-scale guinea fowl producer of Burkina Faso. Pintades du Faso focus on the production of keets, which are then sold to women farmers. Faso Bio provide also training to these women to successfully outgrow the keets. Guinea fowl is well appreciated in Burkina Faso and has great potential to provide additional income to farmers and local source of protein for the country.
Our role: Pintades du Faso proved successful breeding of guinea fowl keets and needed funding and capacity building assistance for the upscaling of the projects. DIBcoop has raised funding to build the first production facility which can produce 1M keets per year.
Amount raised: EU € 1 million
Fund type: Grant
Fund Organization: RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland)
Other: DIBcoop has also become a shareholder