Maize Outgrowers - Mozambique

Topic: Maize outgrowing
Client: Empressa de Comercialização Agrícola
Synopsis: Empressa de Comercialização Agrícola (ECA) is a Mozambican grain aggregation and processing business that works to boost farmer incomes with a guaranteed market for higher-quality maize and introduce sustainable farming practices for smallholders in Central Mozambique using inclusive business models.
Our role:DIBcoop developed a complete proposal for ECA with the aim to scale up the action of the company. The outgrower extension and training program project doubled the number of farmers already collaborating with ECA (from 6000 to 12.000 + farmers), improved their livelihood, income and empowerment.
Amount raised: EU € 1,3 million
Fund type: Grant
Fund Organization:FCID - Fundo Catalitico Para Inovaçao e Demostraçao