Organic Seeds - Moldova
Topic: Fairtrade and organic certified pineapple production
Client: Nicofrutta S.r.l.
Synopsis: De Bolster BV is a Dutch company specialised in development, distribution and sale of organically-certified seeds. The company sells seeds to both farmers and companies in and outside the Netherlands.
Our role:De Bolster B.V, in order to make the agriculture in Moldova less dependent from the use of agrochemical, set up this project to produce certified organic vegetable seeds on site. This has been the beginning of a new production chain, with a considerable spread of knowledge among farmers participating to the training. DIBcoop developed for the client an extensive project that included 124ha converted to organic production, 30+ outgrowers involved and 30 new employees hired by the local partner.
Amount raised: € 750 000
Fund type: Grant
Fund Organization: